Tim's quote: Don't worry about the world ending tomorrow,becuase its already tomorrow in Austraila ;-)

Slider's quote: Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried to nail Jello to a tree! XD

Hedge's quote: When life gives you lemons, Keep 'em, cause hey.... FREE LEMONS!

Slider's quote: BUY LAND! (they have stopped making it)

A Friend's quote: If you live to be 100, I want to live to bee 100 minus 1 day so i never have to live without you!

A Friend's Quote: Why is it called 'after dark' when it really is 'after light'?

Guitarking 97's quote: If at first you don't succeed, don't try sky diving.

Checkers4562's quote: When life gives u lemons, it better give you sugar and water to or else your lemonade will suck!

Checkers4562's quote:"Rules are meant to be broken!" Sure but the law is a rule and if u break it you in jail!

Tim's quote: If you can't find the right pet, CHOOSE THE BUNNY! =)

Penny Mickey’s quote: How come celebrities try so hard to become well-known, and then wear dark glasses to avoid being recognized?

Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

A signature always reveals a man's character - and sometimes even his name.

He who believes that the past cannot be changed has not yet written his memoirs.

I'd love to tell the people who make infocommercials just how dumb their products are.

Pizzamanjr’s quotes: if you can't beat the level of the game play a different one!
spock says live long and prosper i say eat pizza and play video games.

K0wal ski's quotes: If nothing goes right... Go left

Hug an emo. They will love you for it.

Adults are just kids with money.

"You may now kiss the bride." Game over.

It takes skill to trip over flat surfaces.

Mission: Go to the dept. store, buy a pair of shoes. Male route: time: 10 mins, cost: 30 dollars; Female route: time: 3 hr 42 min, cost: 572 dollars

Tim's quote: Freinds are the ones that bail you out of jail, Best freinds are the ones sitting next to you saying " Wow that was fun"

Xtremedude's quote: When life gives you lemons, throw em!! There bombs!

Pizzamanjr's quote: You only get one life, live it up.

PartySlider's quote: You see two roads. one more tarveled, and one less traveled. What do you take? The road that's more traveled becasue being stuck in traffic is alot better then riding up a 99,999 degree slope that leads to nothing!

Pizzamanjr's quote: Life is a journey you chose on which terrain you are traveling and how busy the area is. Make your life last long. With faith anything is possible. It just depends which course you take.

1 comment:

Smiley34710 said...

Never talk back to tough people, look at what happened to me.

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